KB Bank ‘SeungGi Love’ Branch

OMG, this is amazing! KB has a new branch called SeungGi Love?! It’s located at SeungGi Intersection (승기사거리) in Incheon. According to dclsg fans, SeungGi is paying a visit today. 😀

source: dclsg

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12 Responses to KB Bank ‘SeungGi Love’ Branch

  1. Anonymous says:

    i also want to see his real face, why there’s no sight seeing today?? i wonder how he look like when he act in a movie..

  2. Anonymous says:

    anyway, he changed his hairstyle… it looks puffy.. ~_~ don’t like it..
    his forehead hair seems to spread in line… ~_~ sigh.. i want to his hairstyle since YAAS

    • LSGi fan says:

      and here comes the complaining. jeez! arent u glad to see seunggi after such a long time. these pictures made my whole day. i miss him 😦 be more appreciative because for 2 years u wont hear from him. and his hair is perfect. he is so handsome

    • dhedi29 says:

      have you heard about fashion and style?? whatever hairstyle he have it always suit him…

  3. Karin Leu says:

    hi tryp, could you please have the address for the Branch…when i go to kroea in end of this year, i want to visit the kb branch~seung gi love~hahaha…i like it!thanks for your share

  4. Anonymous says:

    So it is a KB’s wordplay? Haha. It doesn’t only show the Bank branch’s location at “Seung Gi Intersection” but also show obviously that they use Seung Gi’s name for the branch. Since Seung Gi’s stuffs as album, photo,… are everywhere at this branch while in fact Seung Gi is not the only CF model for KB Bank but including Kim Yuna so if it was not KB’s wordplay, Kim Yuna’s photos must be seen everywhere along with Seung Gi’s photos.

  5. ai_ren says:

    So happy for my SeungGi! ❤

  6. phuong says:

    I have think not same many persons. Because I like Seung Gy by Generous, Sing very Warm.Sweet.romance, have a little same as Young Child, rarely Sexy.Manly, standard hight, V shape Face, Dimple around mouth, Say very lovely. So, Seung Gy leave any Hair style, I also feel He is Good looking. Because I saw many smart values of Seung Gy. Maybe, Seung Gy is not so handsome as Jo In Sung.Lee Min Ho, but I like style of Seung Gy. I am vietnames, before I often notice other Idols of korea. But many time on internet, I see Seung Gy has Many Names as nation son,son in law, prime,king.So I try to hear All Songs of Seung Gy & Watch all film he act. I am atracted by Talent of seung gy. It is really very difficult to have a Perfect Man.

  7. jhonggi93 says:

    Maybe seung gi is one of the owner of this kb bank branch thats why he allows them to use his name….well….. if i am ryt……woww good job oppa this is a good source of living…fighting!!!

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