Broadcast Schedule Confirmed For ‘Gu Family Book’ Starring Lee Seung Gi

MBC has confirmed ‘Gu Family Book’ as its new Monday-Tuesday drama following ‘The Horse Healer’.

‘Gu Family Book’ (script by Kang Eun Kyung, directing by Shin Woo Chul, Kim Jung Hyun) is a delightful martial arts drama about Choi Kang Chi, born as a half-human-half-mythical-creature, wanting to become human. It’s expected to be Choi Kang Chi’s heart touching journey of struggling alone in order to live a human life despite not being able to become a human being. Singer/actor Lee Seung Gi taking on the lead role Choi Kang Chi has already attracted the attention of the public.

The drama could be broadcast as early as late March or early April. Suzy is still mentioned as the female lead.

source: edaily, mydaily via nate
English translation:

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35 Responses to Broadcast Schedule Confirmed For ‘Gu Family Book’ Starring Lee Seung Gi

  1. crazyajummafan says:

    Hmmm….., the offspring of Daewoong and Miho?
    Personally, I wish it would be broadcast in late May as originally scheduled. Then, the mid year exams would be over and I can feast on the drama all I want.
    Nevermind, for Lee Seunggi, I’ll be sleep deprived with blood shot eyes, just to watch his dramas!

  2. Can’t wait ^_^. I’m not sure if Suzy is the right choice but I could be wrong, maybe she has improved since her “Dream High” days. Anyways, seeing the unique character of Choi Kang Chi, I hope Seunggi can gain a lot valuable acting experience from this drama and still manage to have fun at the same time. It’s time for yet another shining year for the versatile Actor Lee Seunggi ^_^.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Its a good thing thats theres a broadcast date but what about other castings? Maybe it’s a last minute things like any other dramas

  4. Gon says:

    Choi? Isn’t it supposed to be Gu? Anyway, looking forward to it..seung gi is getting that versatile actor vibe looking at the kind of drama that he do compared to others..proud of him. N dun know about Suzy, only time will tell..hope he do more than 1 drama this year, since this one he’s doing early, then maybe later he can do another one..maybe at kbs. Hehe, but that’s just my wish..

  5. joy says:

    Year 2013 MBC *** Lee Seung Gi and Miss A Suzy ***together with Kang Eun Kyung..ShinWoo Chul..Kim Jung Hyun sure make +++GU FAMILY BOOK +++very High Rating can’t wait…..

  6. super says:

    That is good news .Glad to hear the drama is on.As for Suzy can’t comment.cos i know very little about her.but if her fan base is good and she can pulls the crowd it will be good for the drama.can’t wait to see Lsg fighting skill which is something new.Good luck to Lsg on the drama and everything he do for 2013.

  7. samsamy says:

    can,t waittttttt.a great news …thanks thanks^^

  8. Anonymous says:

    Great news… but with recent MBC ‘game’, pray hard the drama will turn out well

  9. manassuper says:

    so the anticipation is killing me…… is another aricle on it by enewsworld

  10. Anonymous says:

    read news…Suzy confirmed for the role …so sad 😦

    • Let’s just pray her acting will be waaaaaay better than in “Dream High” :).

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe this drama doesn’t focus on the loveline and the female doesn’t have a big role, that’s why they cast Suzy, just my thougtht 🙂
      Anyway, based on the plot and rumor, I think the drama will be all about him and his father. And the more Seung Gi, the more I like 🙂

      • Muljen says:

        My thought exactly like u. I also think this drama will focus more on SeungGi more than the lead actress. The more Seunggi, the more I like hehe…totally agree

  11. Eva says:

    Great news to start the New Year (in my time zone)!!!! Am so excited! Wish Seung Gi and this drama a suber uber Daebak huge success! ^_^

  12. babygirl says:

    Great New ..Great New …Seung gi and Suzy ….sure made this drama Super sucesssssss.

  13. madqueen says:

    Lee Jae-Ha and Kim Hang-ah is so deeply seared in my heart that it’s difficult for me to see LSG paired with another actress, in particular a younger actress. With HJW, you know she will always make her male lead shine, sometimes at the expense of her own role in a drama (think Secret Garden). With Suzy, I;m not sure.

    But OTP chemistry in a drama is a funny thing, you never know, and I have never watched Suzy before so I’m willing to keep an open mind… I’m just glad that we now have a definite date to when we can see LSG regularly on screen again.

  14. sara says:

    I don’t like suzy.
    Because her character is not good.
    And she is too young for Seunggi.
    I think Seunggi is congenial to older and same age woman like HJW and HHJ.

    • Maris says:

      You may not like an artist as an actress but really …..assassinating any persons character is not required and does not serve any person except hurting and spreading ill-feeling. Sorry, but she does not deserve this.

      • @Maris totally agree, airens are more mature than that ^_^. I like Suzy in the variety show Invincible Youth 2, as an individual she’s great, an idol with a quirky charm 🙂 and a good singer and dancer in Miss A. So I hope in the acting side, after having great mentors in the past, this is the time for Seunggi to become a good mentor for her as a junior. Let’s just think of it as a new challenge for Seunggi, and we all know how Seunggi loves challenges, this way he could always step up his game, after become apprentice, now he leveled up as a mentor ^^.

        • Maris says:

          So glad we feel the same way. All Airens are expected to show the same decorum, respect and courtesy to others that we see and admire in LSG. I hated pointing it out but a young person like Suzy is still in formative phase of her life……she is bound to improve in all areas with encouragement and faith in her abilities. LSG is one of such people to do that. I feel she will do just fine. Lets all look forward to the drama. 🙂

          • layman says:

            Sara,i know this is your opinion but you write it here that could hurt a lot of people….her Fans ..herself…. the Director who choose her ..even LSG. Seung gi call his fan Airen…Noona…but why noona is not mature

  15. ara says:

    Since this story is about mystical creature, kind of wandering if Seung Gi going to take off his clothes ;). Sorry, I think I let my imagination run wild even before the drama started. Please don’t hate me.

    • PEnnE says:

      Last time he did, he was amazing.
      Rather, his abs looked amazing.
      It was in Hope 2009, right?
      It has been such a long time. About time he does that again!

  16. sara says:

    Oh, another “sara” here. So i choose saralovesLSG. I ‘m so happy for his return. But i also think Suzy is not the right choice. I’ve watched her introduction to architecture and dream high. She is too stiff.

  17. saralovesLSG says:

    Oh, another “sara” here. So i choose saralovesLSG. I ‘m so happy for his return. But i also think Suzy is not the right choice. I’ve watched her introduction to architecture and dream high. She is too stiff.

  18. livinia says:

    Lee Seung Gi as Choi Kang Chi (y) ❤ ❤ ,<

  19. triangel25 says:

    I sumhow wished the female lead is sum1 else..haih..

    Anyway, I wished so badly that the drama could be broadcast now~!!! Cant wait any longer..

    I was sick since 3 weeks ago and when I was just recover, I was sick ago on new year eve till now.. And I just got to know that T2KH didnt win any awards..sob sob..sad…sad…

  20. melissa says:

    the female lead doesn’t matter to me. I’m not watching it for her. She’ll be fine I’m sure. Looking forward to the new drama so much. I can’t believe it’s coming so soon.

  21. PEnnE says:

    Now, this means, Monday is my new Friday,
    and Tuesday is my new Saturday.

    Seung-gi phenomenon will even send us asking for Mondays, as if work doesn’t start on Mondays.

  22. Jam says:

    I love both Seunggi and Suzy. She’s beautiful, talented, and hard-working. While she is still learning, so was Seunggi at one point and she has the capacity to improve like he did. I think she’ll do great and as fans we shouldn’t look down on her; we should be happy with the choice. I’m sure Seunggi isn’t upset and is looking forward to acting with her in the drama. I personally would have liked to see Lee Minjung but I would have accepted any actress.

    If Seunggi saw airen being negative towards Suzy I don’t think he would be happy. Let’s respect that and look forward to the drama with high hopes 😀

  23. Anonymous says:

    I never watch Suzy in acting but I read a lot of
    Comment about her acting.
    I watched her mv once, I really don’t like her
    Dancing skill (may be I’m an expert)
    I don’t know why she is so popular and got a lot of awards.
    may be she is just 18, and ….
    Hopefully she will improved a lot and no bad comment about her again!

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