14.06.13 YAAS Filming Fanpic – Lee Seung Gi

I’m sure DaeGu is supposed to be injured as well; they are filming at a hospital. But SeungGi’s left eye looks pretty swollen and bruised.

source: dclsg

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32 Responses to 14.06.13 YAAS Filming Fanpic – Lee Seung Gi

  1. AmelDD says:

    please make SS stay with him in hospital and take care of him *_* (It must have been PS who saved him helped him what’eve, let’s pray for the beginning of both romance and bromance

  2. Claire says:

    Fighting, Seunggiya! It must be hard for you. I hope you heal completely soon. Saranghaeyo~ 💪🙆

  3. Anonymous says:

    I can’t say a word :((

  4. dramaaddict says:

    Tryp, let’s put our concerns aside. At least we get to see SG. If he’s not really fit, the doctors and his family wouldn’t have allowed him to return to film.
    SG, take care and speedy recovery!

  5. ZJ says:

    My daring, i feel like giving him a hug!
    I hope he heals quickly too, he seems to still look swollen.
    Oppa be careful and take care pls! Oppa fighting!

  6. april says:

    Seung gi ya, are you ok..are you ok ???
    YAAS Team please..please ..take are of him

  7. Maria says:

    Oh baby baby baby baby baby… :(((

  8. Anonymous says:

    I had mixed emotions upon seing his pix… quite relieved but sad at the same time … take care seung gi

  9. Aryanna-Airen says:

    I cant say anything … My heart aches … 😥

  10. Anonymous says:

    Dear Seung Gi, please take care.
    Wish you a speedy and complete recovery!


  11. Mary J. says:

    At times like this I wish to know how to write in Korean. I’ll be reprimanding you Seung gi. I do admire for your hard work but to look at you right now only one thing comes to my mind, are u insane?! I know you are not insane but even when were you hurt in 1n2d I could handle it but maybe because you hurt your eye this time is makes me all jumpy about it. I know that you will take care of you, please do. Take it easy Seung gi, I like the drama but I like you more and all I want is well being, jebal

  12. Polaris says:

    I know that you are eager to go back in filming because you’re really a professional artist, but please take care,don’t push yourself too much, eventhough you’re fit to work still praying for your full & fast recovery Seunggiyaaaaah 🙂 SARANGHAE ♡♡♡

  13. scbound says:

    They must have wrote his injury into the story, hopefully its lots of bed rest scenes only.

  14. SayangSeunggi says:

    I just want think positive..it’s alright seunggi yah!!..i believe seunggi can handle his situation now..we know how stubborn seunggi is..if he said he can do it so he just do what’s best for him and what we’re can do now is support and believe him..

  15. venus says:

    Lemes bgt badanku lihat oppa kaya gini

    Air mataku tak bisa terbendung lg melihatmu seperti ini

    Ingin rasanya memaki org yg telah membuatmu seperti ini

    😥 😥 😥 😥

  16. YiSeungGi says:

    lucky the injury scene was make him only rest..good

  17. geese says:

    please be well i missed you in the whole show but i like you better if you are well…please take an extra care everyone in the show…whew…

  18. uwidwi says:

    Praying for him, get well soon oppa, it is sad when looking your condition in this photo 😦

  19. impreza says:

    @ Mary J. : I feel the same as you, it’s insane. And sad. One more week would have been ok or at least he could have waited till Monday. It should be the producers’ job to tell him to stop for a while and get more rest. I mean, he is not coming back to sit all day on a comfortable chair inside of a quiet office and sleep as much as he wants at night. He’s going back to a stressful atmosphere (they are insanely late in their schedule), he’s going to sleep only 2-3 hours a day and miss a lot of meals. This daily routine is not suited for someone who has been hurt badly and is still ‘not fully recovered’.
    Like I said in my other post, they should have caught the opportunity of the World Cup to put the drama on hold and let him rest. The ratings have already dropped. Finishing the drama is very important, and I’m dying to watch it because I love it and love Seung Gi in it above all. But they could still have waited a bit more. I’m sure they could have. However the producers weren’t able to comfort him enough to make him take the right decision. He’s taking a risk because he’s feeling guilty and they couldn’t chase away his worries. This is not right. I still have this painful feeling about him, and I trust my emotions…
    I admire his dedication to his work and to his colleagues, it is admirable and very touching. I really hope everything will be ok and that my worries will prove completely wrong.

  20. Estella Velasco says:

    Good to see you Seungi! As an artist, we learn very quickly that the show must go on. However, please listen to your body at the first sign of trouble. Often, I would complain to my teacher that everyone played their instruments like Angel Gabriel. My teacher would smile, and advise me that I should only compete with myself. And the sign of greatness was consistency on a daily basis. Please pace yourself. Love you. ev

  21. ywlovesg says:

    It is inevitable that his left eye would be swollen and at first I freaked out over a lack of eye protection BUT it’s been four days since his injury and if he still needs eye protection, we then gotta worry if his eye injury is still serious to warrent that. And if he had eyeglasses on I will be more worried in fear of a worse state. It is just the course of healing. He doesn’t need any protection if he just keep looking down. That is enough. His manager is guiding him so he doesn’t need to look up.

    I am also sure he would not defy doctor orders because he must know as well as we do the risk that he must be taking by returning to filming. It would be alright. Please think of positive thoughts and give him energy in this way 😀

  22. Anyone Please stop Him :((

  23. Anonymous says:

    Seung gi yaaa please dont do that I beg you! 😦

  24. Sarairen says:

    Gosh I’m worried! It hurts to look at him like that 😦 No matter how he insists, they shouldnt let him filming, he can’t even open his eyes properly and he’s probably not going to just sleep in bed and do nothing, he will overexhust himself considering how perfectionist he is, unless they just put him in coma in the drama and without slightest action … Otherwise THEY SHOUDNT LET HIM CONTINUE FILMING! Maybe he is improved but he is not recovered yet … This may cause his situation to be worse and even have permanent side effects … *god forbidd*
    P.s: guys please forgive me to be negative but the thing is I’m really worried right now :(((

    • Anonymous says:

      I so agree, I wish somebody would tight him to a bed and give him a sleeping pill every four hours for at least two days for a full recovery and healing of his precious eye. I am glad he’s doing better and will keep praying for his well being and full recovery of his sight. keep fighting Sweet Oppa !!^.^

  25. LSGi fan says:

    lets all of us be more positive and cheer him on..im sure he would want airens to support him on his decision to come back rather than worry about him..
    kudos to him for being a responsible person..he is my role model

  26. Missa says:

    we don’t need to worry so much. I’m sure that his family and YAAS crew will take good care of him. They won’t allow Seunggi to resume the filming if he’s unwell. Of course he needs to take a rest but our Seunggi is responsible and professional enough to decide for himself and he chose to continue YAAS filming.

    Let’s just trust Seunggi… let’s trust his decision and continue to love and cheer for him. ❤

  27. racil says:

    My heart felt so heavy looking Seung Gi like this, huhuhu he should take more rest before going back to work, Seung Gi ya please don’t be so hard on yourself 😦

  28. Polaris says:

    Lee Seung Gi you’re the man! I was being hooked by your character you’ve played in your drama’s, you captured my heart through your songs,your personality & attitude serves as my inspiration,i do admire you not only as an artist but as a person,you’ve captured people’s heart for being a kind-hearted and humble person.Stay for who you are & continue to be an inspiration to others.BE SAFE ALWAYS! I’m a fan for reel & REAL! #Aja #Hwaiting oppa seunggiyaaaaah!

  29. babygirl says:

    i totaly agreed

  30. alison says:

    Seung gi ya, 9/6/14 i worried ..worried. worried about your eyes conditions but today i see the fanpic. my hearts pains ..very very pains.my eyes with tears ….seung gi ya could you please love yourself a bit more ..just a bit more.May God Bless you always !

  31. fighting oppa . we will supported you

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